Sunday, July 13, 2014

Debt Collection Tips: The necessity of obtaining the debtor's identifying information

Many creditors fail to obtain information from a potential debtor which may be necessary in the collection process.

In order to maximize the successful collection of a debt, a creditor must make sure that it obtains the information which will help (a) locate the debtor and (b) locate his/her assets or sources of income. A creditor should, at a minimum, obtain the following information:

1. Social Security Number

2. Date of Birth

3. Full name, exactly, with middle name.

4. Exact address, with zip code.

5. Employer's name, address, telephone number, supervisor's name and direct extension.

6. Verification of employment signed by employer's human resources department.

7. Bank account information, with branch and account number for each account.

8. Spouse's name, if applicable.

9. Telephone numbers for work and home.

10. Signed authorization from the debtor to obtain credit reports, if applicable.

11. If debtor is to guarantee another's account, all information concerning the primary obligor.

12. Most recent federal and state tax returns, together with W-2, K-1 or 1099 forms.

— by Richard A. Klass, Esq.

copyr. 2014 Richard A. Klass, Esq.
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Richard A. Klass, Esq., maintains a law firm engaged in civil litigation in Brooklyn Heights, New York.
He may be reached at (718) COURT-ST or e-ml to with any questions.
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